Life begins from a piece of paper called birth record;
different colour, quality and size arrive at home to spread knowledge;
along with a pencil paper is the start of education;
and tissue it is when you have a runny nose.
It can be moulded and folded into anything;
just like how in form of a marksheet it decides your career;
a paper it is which contributes to the future;
and a paper it is which preserves the past;
you are selected or not is informed through it;
the same piece of paper arrives in a post appointing you for a job;
and when your friend died the same paper was found as a death note.
You sign a paper again when you find a spouse;
a paper would be only signed if you need a divorce;
a page would inform your increment and promotion;
so is a paper printed for your daughter's wedding invitation;
you sign a paper for your retirement;
after making a will for your next generation;
a death certificate is made-
a final paper of your existence.
Its funny bcoz Paper(money) people value that more than their lives